My life is getting better for now, Alhamdulillah I must say. I've never been this truly content. I've got problems but it's bearable. I can actually adapt to them. Why, I tell's because I fix my 'Salah'. And you probably think, "I do the 'Salah' too and what's the big deal...". Okay, listen my friend. Fixing the 'Salah' means you actually do the right posture while doing it, reciting not whispering((whereby you can hear your voice CLEARLY reciting the verse)), and you're totally immersed in the 'Salah'. You focus and understand the meaning behind the verse and feeling so humble. And the benefit is, if you're a student, you can automatically concentrate during your lecture class. Believe, I can. So do you.
To add, I have came across this verse like two weeks ago, 'How can I be sad if Allah is my Lord?' and I don't know how to put it in words it's as if, he's answering all of my problems. You know, Muslims don't get stressed over thing that already happened and fear over things that's going to happen. No, our Prophet Muhammad SAW did experience the stressful moments and what he said, "When will the help of Allah come?". And Allah answered him back, "Verily, the help is always near. I'm here." Subhanallah.
My friend. When you fix your 'Salah', without you realize, you're actually fixing your life. Why? Open the Quran, Surah Al mukmeenoon. The first two verse. To make it simple, it's about a prayer, success is IN a prayer. You see, even in adhan, there's about the success. 'You want to be successful ? Then, pray to Allah SWT' By mean, you do it smoothly and accurately. I feel different especially in my studies. My pointer was also good! Not to boast about it, but the effort it's worth it. I could actually grab dean list. and If you want to meet Allah, Allah wants to meet you too.
Note to everyone: Be positive in whatever hard your situation is. If you think your life's hard? Then, put yourself in someone else's shoes. Those who are having trial and tribulation in Syria to take for example...Palestine? Please, you're just mumbling. It's never too late to change by the way! Change, and do it slowly but istiqomah.
Posted at Sunday, 20 December 2015 with 0 comment(s)